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March 28, 2008

chilepepper.jpgLeBron James is one of three men who have been featured on the cover of Vogue magazine. I thought it was cool that a professional athlete was going to be on the cover of a top fashion magazine and I was excited to see the cover when it came out.

I heard the controversy about the cover being racist by depicting that James is King Kong and Gisele is the distressed woman. Well… I kind of see what the upset folks are saying, but the overall context of the issue makes the picture not so bad. The photographer should have had them both making a face like LeBron’s it would have been cool, like they were bragging or something for having the best bodies, like the “my better is better than your better” Nike campaign.

If you think about it, they are both posing in their roles that society recognizes them in; the ferocious King of NBA ball and the enticing super model.

At least there’s a magazine that is stepping out on a limb and featuring a black man and a fare skinned woman together on a cover.